T&G Stucco Board
Superior strength, resiliency, vapor permeability and Stable R-value adding integrity to your stucco wall system.
Foam-Control T&G is a cost effective, durable and energy efficient solution for increasing the performance of stucco applications over framed walls. It is an ideal material to stop energy loss through framing members. Foam-Control T&G is available in a range of R-values to meet your local energy code requirements.
- Resilient, reduces stucco cracking
- Meets code for continuous insulation
- Reduces heat loss through framing
- Saves energy
- No R-value loss or thermal drift
- 50 year R-value warranty
- Superior water vapor permeability
- Reduces cavity wall condensation
- Drying potential releases absorbed moisture
- No CFC, HCFC, HFC or formaldehyde